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HLP rights survey

Survey: What is the destiny of your house under reconstruction ?

Project Details

Category Research

Date: September 01, 2018


This survey is part of a wider study we are conducting that will be published by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung alongside other Housing, Land and Property (HLP) studies about Libya, Iraq, and Yemen. 

The survey was administered online in Arabic and received 176 responses. These responses represent properties related to 923 persons based on an average of 5.2 persons per household. The sample represents respondents from both inside Syria (48%) and outside (49%), and (3%) unmentioned.  The geographical distribution of the sample is diverse, from countries in the Middle East (Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia); from Europe (Germany, UK, France, Denmark, Sweden, and The Netherlands); and from the USA and Canada.

The online survey reached 9.2k and received 1.1k clicks and 39 shares. The sample was self-selecting, based on outreach to the researchers’ personal and professional networks amongst diaspora in Europe, such as the DNA Network, and local networks in Syria. Due to this providence, the sample is young (mainly under 50 years, with 70% of the respondents 18-35 years old) and it is assumed well-educated as these networks are largely academic and professional. The majority of respondents were male (73% and 27% female) which highlights the social norms of male responsibility for property ownership even amongst a young population. 

These respondents give an indication of the situation however, it is understood that the particular character of the sample is not necessarily representative of the majority of displaced persons who may be more diverse in age and income/education levels. Further research is required to examine this broader constituency.

Check the online survey here